Friday, April 3, 2009

My life

is coming together and falling apart all at the same time. I have an unusal talent of listening really well. It causes most everything male, especially those whom I have/had crushes on, open up about everything that is wrong in their love lives and how they're going about fixing them with other people. I had a conversation with several boys today, and all of them told me about their love problems. But the main one was with this boy whom I have a bit of a crush on, who I was this close to inviting him over to hang out with me. Then he told me about this girl he's getting over his exgirlfriend with. Then, after dashing my hopes, he goes on to tell me "You're one of the good ones lady, I can't wait to hang out with you." Talk about a knife in the heart. Thanks for playing.

On the other hand, I got my district assignment. I will be teaching in the Carrollton-Farmers Branch district. I started my application today, and I am going to a job fair this weekend in Irving. Hopefully I will get a job! And I got my reseume back from TTF and they told me it was really good! So those are good things going on in my life. If only other things would work better.


Contrary to popular belief, I am not going to fail and have to stay in Austin. Also, Dallas isn't as scary as people think it is. I am a grown-up, I know what I am doing, and while I don't exactly have everything as together as I would like it to be, it's going to be fine, because I am very good at landing on my feet. Another thing, everyone likes a little old school (I'm talkin the thirties) music every now and then. Even the hardest rocker or the dopest rapper. And I'm going to rock at this stupid test tomorrow. I am going to pass it with flying colours and then move on to the next one. Plus, everything is going to work out for the best. There is still time. Plenty of it. Life will work everything out the way it needs to be. Just trust it. And I'm going back to studying now. Because when it comes down to it, I can be responsible, and I can get my shit done. So in your FACE popular belief!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Details Details

So it's offical. I am moving to Dallas the weekend of May 22nd. I will not have an apartment of my own, but I will have a fantastic house, fully furnished, and a great roommate in my aunt Penny, at least for the summer. I will be taking the TEXES exam April 4, and I will have a job when I move. I can't promise where, or really when, but I will have one!

And the Academy Awards this year was the best Oscars I have seen I think in my entire life. I actually sat all the way through them and enjoyed pretty much every single moment of it! If it continues like this (with Hugh Jackman hosting, of course), I will for sure be watching every year. This and the Tonys (because how can you not watch the Tonys?) will be my awards shows. My superbowl for women and gay men. I have a feeling that these will be the things that will be the big deal in mine and Allison's apartment. Well that and the world series when our teams are in it. :-) I can't wait for the new chapter in my life to start!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tis in Ireland I wish to be.

I'm watching The Quiet Man, which is one of my absolute favorite John Wayne movies. It makes me want to go back to the Emerald Isle so badly. I believe that if ever I met an interested Irish man, I would be swept off my feet so quickly, I wouldn't know what happened. And then we could go over to Ireland and live happily. I would love it. Granted, it would be a poor life probably, but we could handle it. I love Ireland. It has such a rich history and it's wonderful. I think the week or so I was there was the best time ever. It was the best vacation I ever had. And that was simply doing all the touristy things. Amazing. I can't wait to go back. I would love forever and ever who ever took me there. Maybe I'll go by myself. Anyone want to go with me?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Travel the World

So Phonathon is starting. Well actually it has technically already started, since we're doing training this week. But our theme this semester is passport to Phonathon, so it's like a trip around the world. And it got me thinking how sheltered I am in my little life. when I was younger, we traveled around the country to different places every year. But since I've been a grown-up/in college, I have traveled exactly to the same places in the last five years. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Lubbock, New York, Oklahoma, and Colorado. I think I'm ready to go somewhere else. I wanna see the world. I want to travel to places that are completely different from where I have been right now. Granted, I could have done that if I had decided to join PACE. I would have been in Portland, on the West Coast. The only place in the United States I have never been. But maybe I will be there this summer when we head up there. Life is so freakin crazy sometimes. I just wish things were easier here. :-)

Monday, January 26, 2009


Great news! I have officially been accepted into the Texas Teaching Fellows! So as soon as I find a job, take my TEXEs exams (that's right I said EXAMS), figure out a plan to live, and where to live, I will be set for life! Well not for life, but at least for a year. Then I will have one year of teaching left before I can get my masters in library science. Then I can fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a librarian. It's exciting. And scary. And stressful. And did I mention scary? I'm becoming a grown-up very quickly, and I'm not sure I'm okay with it. At the same time, I am super excited. I'll let you know on how it all goes. I'm not promising it'll be successful, but it'll be interesting.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I kinda have forgotten about this thing. But I am back. At least for a little bit. The end of the semester sucked, but it's over and I passed, and I never have to take classes with Barbara ever EVER again. Which rocks majorly. Christmas was awesome, and so was New Year's and now I'm back in Austin, but tomorrow I am going to Dallas for an interview with Texas Teaching Fellows. TTF is a program that is basically an alternative certification program that puts teachers in high need schools in the Dallas area. They're very selective and I'm very lucky to have a chance to interview with them. It's an all day thing, so I'm super neervous but excited. Then school starts on Monday. Yay for school! But yeah, that's all that's happening with me!